Roads Yet Traveled

Written by Jackson WelterPerformed by Jackson Welter (Banjo) and Corban Welter (Electric guitar)Recorded and mixed by Jackson Welter
Written by Jackson WelterPerformed by Jackson Welter (Banjo) and Corban Welter (Electric guitar)Recorded and mixed by Jackson Welter
This is a modern interpretation of Child Ballad #13. I’ve been fascinated by the Child Ballads and their impact on American folk music for a couple of years. I arranged and performed this version with my brother Corban. I am…
An exercise in genre-bending that combines folk/bluegrass with heavy metal into a rousing anthem.
This is an original arrangement of Child Ballad #167 “Henry Martin” or “The Lofty Tall Ship”, also known as Child Ballad #250 “Andrew Barton”. I’ve had a fascination with the Child Ballads for a couple of years, so worked this…